Join us for our annual network gathering as we connect with others who share our mission, sharpen our leadership skills, and coordinate our efforts for gospel renewal in North America through high-impact church plants.
Our annual event is an invite only experience for church leaders in our network and for existing and potential SLN resource partners. If you are a church committed to planting in the hard to reach cities of North America, this gathering is for you!
On the other side of registration, we will point you to the options where we have secured groups rates as vacancy allows.
We are so glad you want to bring someone. We cover the cost of one ticket and you will be able to pay for your guest by following the guest registration link after you have registered.
This gathering is targeted toward Senior and Lead Pastors, Executive Pastors and Missions Pastors who want to work together to plant churches in unreached cities of North America. Lead Pastors of SLN churches and our 2024 Church Planting class will also be in attendance.
The content is focused to help church leaders sharpen their skills and increase their effectiveness. Connecting with others who share our mission is also vital. Therefore, in session and out of session we are about listening and learning from one another.