
SLN Annual Gathering is Oct 21-23, 2024. Join us! Click here to register.

SLN Annual Gathering is Oct 21-23, 2024. Join us! Click here to register.

SLN Annual Gathering is Oct 21-23, 2024. Join us! Click here to register.

SLN Annual Gathering is Oct 21-23, 2024. Join us! Click here to register.

SLN Annual Gathering is Oct 21-23, 2024. Join us! Click here to register.

SLN Annual Gathering is Oct 21-23, 2024. Join us! Click here to register.

SLN Annual Gathering is Oct 21-23, 2024. Join us! Click here to register.

SLN Annual Gathering is Oct 21-23, 2024. Join us! Click here to register.

SLN Annual Gathering is Oct 21-23, 2024. Join us! Click here to register.

SLN Annual Gathering is Oct 21-23, 2024. Join us! Click here to register.

SLN Annual Gathering is Oct 21-23, 2024. Join us! Click here to register.

SLN Annual Gathering is Oct 21-23, 2024. Join us! Click here to register.

SLN Annual Gathering is Oct 21-23, 2024. Join us! Click here to register.

SLN Annual Gathering is Oct 21-23, 2024. Join us! Click here to register.

SLN Annual Gathering is Oct 21-23, 2024. Join us! Click here to register.

SLN Annual Gathering is Oct 21-23, 2024. Join us! Click here to register.

SLN Annual Gathering is Oct 21-23, 2024. Join us! Click here to register.

SLN Annual Gathering is Oct 21-23, 2024. Join us! Click here to register.

SLN Annual Gathering is Oct 21-23, 2024. Join us! Click here to register.

SLN Annual Gathering is Oct 21-23, 2024. Join us! Click here to register.

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Partners feel called to plant churches and give to strategic launch network to support starting new churches. Partners may be churches, organizations, or individual donors.

Why partner with us?

We only launch 5-star leaders
We coach for a lifetime
We resource for success
We turnkey your church planting strategy
We have proven effectiveness
Strategic Launch partners with godly, high-capacity leaders, supercharges their strategy and provides a fraternity for encouragement, growth, and support. It’s an honor to learn from and support SLN.
Brian Moore
Crosspointe Church
Strategic Launch Network not only helped us launch a healthy, growing church in a highly un-churched area, but they gave us an opportunity to partner with great pastors around the country who were starting incredible churches in some of the hardest to reach areas in our nation. We know with our partnership with SLN, our investment is expanding the Kingdom in significant ways, in significant cities.
Ernest Smith
Front Range Church
We love to partner with SLN because we know it exponentially expands the impact of our church as we invest in new churches around the country.
Bryan Bigger
Northern Hills Church
Planting thriving churches in America’s most difficult cities resonates deeply with our congregation here in San Diego. We see firsthand the absolute need for new churches to be birthed in such places, and SLN’s hyper-focused strategy, relational-intentionality, and their unwavering commitment to find the right planters for each city make it a no-brainer for us to partner with them to help plant churches that are so desperately needed in these cities!
Brandon Grant
Rise City Church
It’s not often you find an opportunity like the Strategic Launch Network. It’s like an open invite to join an all-star team. With a proven track record, incredible vision and leadership, and a pipeline of hungry, humble and smart leaders - this is one of the best investments we can make in Kingdom impact. Not only do we know that we’re helping launch strong, strategic churches in important places, but we’re learning from the best-in-the-world as we connect. Thank you SLN for opening your doors so leaders like us can join this effort.
Gabe Kolstad
Westside Community Church


In 20 years, we’ve planted over 60 churches with a 95%+ success rate
SLN church plants baptized 2,540 people in 2022
28,793 is the average weekly attendance across SLN church plants in 2021

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Planters Class of 2024

Landon Hairgrove
Boise, ID

In early 2021, Landon and Brooke began to sense God calling them to move their family to Boise, Idaho to plant a church that would be a spiritual oasis in what had steadily become a physical oasis for those seeking something new.

The fastest-growing city in the country between 2017 and 2018, Forbes ranked Boise as the best place to live for millennials in 2019. It draws pioneers, entrepreneurs, and dreamers. The city’s stated mission is to be “the most livable city in the country,” and it’s becoming an incredible place to raise a family, start a business, and enjoy life against the stunning backdrop of the Boise River Greenbelt.

But while the positives of Boise attract and inspire, the city also holds a deep disparity. According to Barna Research, Boise is ranked as the 28th most unchurched and 24th most post-Christian city in the nation. The booming population growth needs more new churches to reach the city’s many new residents. Christian churches are lacking, gospel saturation is at a deficit, and there is a great need for life-giving communities to bring hope and change to the Treasure Valley.

The Hairgroves desire to plant a church community where people can find purpose, passion, identity, and direction for the God-given gifts on their life. They are excited to carry out this mission on the beautiful city of Boise, and to work to see the city truly reflect the kingdom of God.

Learn more here: Oasis City Church

Solomon Rexius
Eugene, OR

Solomon Rexius grew up in Eugene, Oregon. He says, “That’s home for me. I love the city. I love the scenery. I love the people. And of course I love the Oregon Ducks. I’m a 4th generation Eugenian and my kids will be the 5th. My wife Lizzy is from Alabama, and we met in Jerusalem, Israel 13 years ago. Together we have 4 kids: Israel (8), Georgia (6), Penny (4), and Hollis (3). I graduated from the University of Oregon with a BS in Accounting in 2007 before getting my Masters of Divinity from Western Seminary in 2011.”

After serving as the director of Salt Company in Ames, Iowa at Cornerstone Church, he is now excited about the opportunity to be part of starting a new church in his hometown with a great team and a compelling vision: to be a multi-generational church that reaches the next generation.

Eugene is a city with not only great need but also great opportunity for the gospel. Psalm 145 says, “one generation will declare Your works to the next and will tell of Your mighty acts.” In a word, that’s what they want our church to be about: Generations.

Learn more here:

Kyle Costello
Ojai, CA

Kyle and Joy Costello have always loved seeing God do new things. At the beginning of 2021, they started to wonder if God was calling them to step out and plant a new church, and the more they prayed the more it became obvious that He was leading them to do so in Ojai, California.

Kyle grew up in a mormon home in Utah and Nevada, but while in college at UNLV he was introduced to Joy, who introduced him to Jesus. He came to faith at Central Christian Church in Las Vegas, joining the staff a few years later. As the church grew at an incredible rate, Kyle and Joy began to see God do all kinds of new things in both their lives and the lives of others. From there they moved to Portland, Oregon and trained as church planters at Imago Dei Community Church. After two years there they partnered with Orchard Group and moved to Salt Lake City, where they planted and led a church for nine years before moving over to Mariners Church Huntington Beach, where Kyle served as Lead Pastor.

Once Kyle and Joy began to pray about where God would have them go next, God quickly gave them both an answer in Ojai.  Their pasts had led them to fruitful but challenging ministries in the unchurched areas of Las Vegas, Portland, and Salt Lake City, and Ojai fit that same description. Joy shares, “For some reason, God has wired us to love serving in places where the church is small or maybe not even thought of. It’s not always easy, but we love it.”

The Ojai Valley is famous for its creativity, beauty, and focus on spirituality, but not for knowing Jesus.  It has a mix of local natives, people who moved in from out of the country, and those who relocated from nearby Los Angeles.  It sits in a stunning setting that draws in people seeking rest, spiritual fulfillment, and healing in a valley that promises to provide refuge from whatever is ailing them.

Learn more here:

Nolan Tjaden
Surprise, AZ

Nolan is the lead pastor of the The Garden. He and Lindsey moved from Portland to Phoenix to plant the Garden with their three kids.

Nolan grew up suspicious of church and religion before a powerful encounter with Jesus. Now, he is a Bible-teacher and church planter alongside Lindsey, a photographer and social media creative.

They have fallen in love with the Phoenix Valley and feel a burden to see a church started where skeptics and saints can encounter Jesus.

Isaac Petit Frère
Tampa, FL

How do we reach the people the church isn’t reaching?

This was the question Isaac and Vanessa Petit Frère began asking almost ten years ago. It was the question that prompted them to form a rapidly-growing young adults ministry in South Florida a few years ago. And now, it is the question driving their desire to plant a new church for the people of Tampa.

Prior to serving as a pastor, Isaac’s background as a hip hop producer, and then an economics professor, sharpened his awareness of the sentiments of people outside of the church. Isaac observes, “If we want to reach the lost, we will do something different. To reach people that churches aren’t currently reaching, we will have to do things churches aren’t currently doing.”

The young adults ministry that the Petit Frères sparked began as an online ministry and grew into a community of de-churched (those who left the church) and un-churched (those who had never participated in church) people. This community created small groups that gathered together around the Bible, and that began to live out new faith in their schools, relationships, and workplaces. Vanessa shares, “Soon, it became apparent that God was just getting started. This online expression was beginning to impact our city.”

Vanessa and Isaac are passionate about cities where people are skeptical or even hostile toward Jesus and His church. Their enthusiasm is infectious: “If only we could show them something they haven’t seen before, something different. If only we could go to a city that is beautifully broken and fill it with the love, beauty, and justice of Jesus. If only we could rally those awakened in Christ to bring faith, hope, and love where they work, live, and play!”

Now, after a season of prayer and preparation, Isaac and Vanessa are taking the things they learned from the young adults ministry and applying it to a new church plant in Tampa.

Tampa is rapidly changing. New people are attracted to its pleasant weather, beautiful bay, growing industries, holiday attractions, and rapid development. All of these things have made Tampa one of the fastest-growing large cities in America, ranking among the top for demographic changes and population growth.

Isaac shares, “Our city is reeling as a new identity is taking shape. Tampa natives are desperately trying to preserve what was. Tampa migrants look to be a part of a new story as they make the city their home. Meanwhile, loneliness, homelessness, anxiety, and addiction are rising. What a perfect place for a new church to step in, form community, and show Jesus as the Author of life!”

Learn more here:

Jay Stovall
Redlands, CA

Jay and Tiffany Stovall felt called to plant a church in the Inland Empire (city of Redlands) to reach people who needed a renewed picture of Jesus and His church. They named their church, Portrait Church, because they want their church to look like Jesus and his people.

The Stovalls were drawn to the area because 1 in 5 area residents are immigrants with over 45 nations represented. They are near two college campuses that represent a diverse population which they desire to see in community together, unified as one.


Jake Vayda
San Diego, CA

Jake and Kaelia Vayda have a heart for San Diego. Kaelia was born and raised in San Diego and Jake has been living their for the past 7 years. They’ve been ministering together at their home church there.

San Diego is the gateway to America from Mexico and Asia and offers and opportunity to reach the people immigrating from those nations with the gospel. The Vaydas feel called to helping people know their Jesus and find what they are longing for in him. They have found that so many people want to do good and be a part of community but need to see that those deep needs can only be met and find their true purpose in the church.

Learn more here:

Christian Gracia
Las Vegas, NV

Christian was born and raised in Las Vegas and when he and his wife, Hannah, heard the call to plant, they knew it was in Las Vegas.

Las Vegas is one of the fastest growing cities in America. As people are moving there at a rapid rate, the Gracias know that those people are now disconnected and need community. They want their church to be a place of life-giving relationships, strong community and a family where they can belong.

75% of the people that live there were not born there and 20% were not born in the United States. King’s Church has the opportunity to not only impact their city but the nation and nations around the world by reaching the people in their city.

People often come to Las Vegas looking to for something; often pleasure or an experience. Christian knows that those things will always fall short and that what the people coming to their city really need is Jesus. Sin City gives King’s City Church the best opportunity to accomplish their vision: to lead people to pursue Jesus above all things in all places.

Learn more here:

Nate Gay
Denver, CO

Denver is a city filled with great beauty and potential. It is a place where the wonder of nature and the culture of the city combine to create one of the largest regional hubs of influence and one of the most unique and thriving cities in America.

Denver is the 6th fastest growing city in the US, with a flourishing economy. Millennials and Gen Z currently make up the greatest segment of those moving to the metro. These are also the most unreached/unchurched generations in the US. As the city expands, we believe the church must be going where the population is growing.

While Denver is filled with beauty and potential, it is also a city filled with brokenness. With over 2 million people claiming no religious affiliation or connection to a local church, the metro area compares statistically with other increasingly post-Christian cities of the Western US, such as Portland and Los Angeles. Homelessness is on the rise at unprecedented levels, drug use and mental health issues continue to rise, and Denver ranks as the third loneliest city in the nation. But more than statistics, these people have names. They are our neighbors, our friends, and our family. They are the people that God has called us to reach.

We believe that when the church, God’s “Plan A” for humanity, fully embraces both the beauty and brokenness of a city like Denver, the miraculous can occur. That lives can be transformed, that neighborhoods can be redeemed, and that the city can be impacted forever.

Nate Gay serves as the Lead Pastor of DEVO Church and leads alongside his beautiful bride of more than nine years, Michaela. With a deep love for one another and for the local church, their heart is to reach new people, show them that their purpose can be found in God, and create a fun community filled with passion and excitement for God.

Nate & Michaela met at the University of Nebraska and while they are Huskers through and through, Nate is an avid Broncos & Rockies fan. We’re still working on Michaela…you can ask her later what her favorite teams are.

They love the city of Denver, they love the people of Denver, and they are willing to give everything they have to see people thrive in all areas of life.

Together, their personal mission is simple: Love People More. Love More People. Love God Most.

Learn more here:

Sam Perli
San Francisco

The Bay Area is home to the highest number of millionaires and billionaires per capita. Around 50% of people that live in the Bay Area were not born there but moved there in order to make their millions.

Sam Perli is planting Hue Church because he, too wants to become a millionaire; a millionaire of souls for Jesus. Planting in the Bay Area near San Francisco is challenging. Finding an affordable and available space is nearly impossible and yet, they have seen God show them favor with the planning director for the city.

Sam is planting Hue Church with his brother Immanuel. Hue is short for Heaven Upon Earth. Hue church exists to realize this vision where our broken world will be fixed, once and for all. Regardless of your journey with spirituality, Hue is a place you can connect with likeminded individuals, find purpose and make an impact in the Bay Area.

Learn more here:

Brian Pachecho
Phoenix, AZ

Flatiron is the most visible peak in the East Valley. From the ground it reveals a sheer drop into a plateau that gradually winds its way down to the valley floor. From above it looks like an iron pressed into the mountain itself.

It’s beautiful. It’s magnificent. It’s where every eye goes. Flatiron Church hopes to be a reminder that everything beautiful and magnificent in this world points to its Creator, to King Jesus so that everyone in the valley would lift their eyes to Him.

While a student at Illinois State University, God started to stir in Brian Pacheco’s heart a call to church planting. Sixteen years later, as Brian was getting his Master’s of Divinity at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis and working as a youth pastor and worship director, the call to plant grew and Brian started to ask God, “Where?”

A friend encouraged Brian to check out the Flagstaff, AZ area and Brian left the trip there feeling both excited and fearful, knowing what God was calling he and his young family to in the days ahead. God graciously met Brian in the trials he faced in the days ahead and sent him a community of believers to plant the church with him.

The Pachecos, Brian and Melinda and their four kids, moved to the East Valley in January of 2022 with a team of 21 adults.

They feel burdened to reach the far East Valley; an area with 60,000 homes and not a single, stand alone church.

Learn more here:

Accelerating spiritual renewal in North America by planting flagship churches in strategic cities. 

Accelerating spiritual renewal in North America by planting flagship churches in strategic cities. 

Accelerating spiritual renewal in North America by planting flagship churches in strategic cities. 

Accelerating spiritual renewal in North America by planting flagship churches in strategic cities. 

Accelerating spiritual renewal in North America by planting flagship churches in strategic cities. 

Accelerating spiritual renewal in North America by planting flagship churches in strategic cities. 

Accelerating spiritual renewal in North America by planting flagship churches in strategic cities. 

Accelerating spiritual renewal in North America by planting flagship churches in strategic cities. 

Accelerating spiritual renewal in North America by planting flagship churches in strategic cities. 

SLN Churches